Monetise your magic

I believe you’ve already done 90% of the hard work you need to build a successful product-based business. That 90% was you creating your magic, the raw material for your products. What exactly do I mean by this – how can we monetise your magic?
Let’s take a look.
Competitive advantage comes from your magic
Your magic is the basis of your competitive advantage. The impact you create for your client comes directly from your magic. Whatever it is that you do for them, your magic enables that.
I think this is why I call this your magic. Because it is powerful.
We don’t usually think about our magic. We think about how we can get better at magic. If you were speaking to a rocket scientist, they wouldn’t think of it as being what we mean by rocket science, i.e., something complicated. I know an actual rocket scientist…well, she’s a mathematician who does complex calculations for the trajectories of rockets. Although she’s completely aware that hardly anyone else can do what she does, she doesn’t see it as complex. It isn’t challenging enough for her.
And the same is true of clever people who do niche, interesting things and who, over the years, have got really good at what they do.
I believe I’m describing you here.
Let’s dig into what’s in your magic
We’re going to put all of these magic ingredients into the witch’s cauldron. And from this, you’ll be able to brew up some brilliant products.
Your magic is your expertise. Part of that expertise is the skills that you’ve built over time. If I tried to do what you do, I probably couldn’t do it. To learn would take me 10 years to get anywhere near as good at it as you are. Over the years, you’ve built up those skills and many more.
We all learn skills in different ways. Think of a child learning to walk. At first, they’re falling over, then they get better at it, and then they can walk further and further until they can go on a 15-mile hike. It’s a skill, but we don’t think of walking as a skill.
Or when you learn how to make a delicious omelette the “correct” way
I remember when my brother showed me how to make a good omelette when I was about 20. He claimed he’d been taught by Paul Henry, the actor who played Benny from Crossroads. I remain unconvinced of this dubious claim to fame, but I still cook an omelette by gently letting the uncooked egg roll around the pan and then shaking the pan to get the omelette moving. I can’t even describe that process in words. I’d have to show you.
Imagine how much more complex and challenging to describe and pass on your skills are.
Somebody showed you how to do those foundational elements of your skills, and then you practised them. I’m guessing that you’ve practised what you do for clients even more times than I’ve cooked omelettes. And that how you do this has changed subtly over time. You’ve adopted new tools and built up more productive ways of doing this. Maybe you’ve developed templates, shortcuts or deeply ingrained habits that make you super fast at what you do.
Magic is not just about skills
As well as your complex (to me, but not to you) skills, we have your opinions as part of your magic mix.
If I came and talked to you about what you believe about your specialist subject and we dug into it, I think we would unearth a number of opinions. In fact, I bet that the more we got into this, the more we’d uncover some deeply held beliefs you might have about the work you do. Maybe you believe:
- Methodology A is better than Methodology B
- Doing Action 1 followed by Action 2 will give the best results, but most people do Action 2 first
- You have to study and practice for at least 3 years before you can do the X-stage
And maybe you have strong views about how others do what you do. Maybe you’d tell me about someone who’s a competitor, who does something similar, but they’re an idiot and don’t know what they’re talking about.
Heuristics and mental models
You might have unconscious heuristics and mental models that help you do a good job. In my business coaching work, I have many of these, often arcane, rules of thumb that I’m not even aware of. But if you ask me what the target Gross Profit Margin for a delicatessen should be – I can tell you that it’s 75+% straight away. Or that an open rate of more than 50% on an email newsletter is pretty good, but you should pay attention to the click-through rate, which is more important.
This kind of deep knowledge-based magic is powerful in the right circumstances and can only be developed with years of exposure to your specialist area.
Making money from your magic
Of course, you’ve been making money from your magic for years. And in many ways, it has served you well. You probably have a comfortable life, trading your time for money, and this pays the bills.
But, does this make you what one of my clients called “a fancy freelancer”
My question is – could there be a better way to monetise your magic?
We’ve already started to think about how rich your magic is and how much of an impact it can create for your clients. I encourage you to reflect more deeply on this.
And maybe there is a better way of harnessing your magic to create both money and freedom for you than the old-fashioned trading time for money way.
I believe there are better ways to make money and freedom from your magic. But it does involve breaking that rather toxic relationship between how you spend your time and earn your money. Rather than trading time for money, we want to make products from your magic and then sell the products to your clients. These products replace you, and service your client better. This route makes your business scaleable, flexible and possibly even saleable.
The roadmap to products based on your magic
Start writing down your opinions and make them overt. What do I believe about my specialist subject? Uncover that. Dig into it. Why do I believe in that? Within that, you will have ideas about what you want people to do differently due to your work.
I used this in small business pricing
I’m an expert in running small businesses. One of the things that I want business owners to do differently is to set their pricing at a level that they can make a profit. I’ve developed a whole set of opinions around that over the years… Why should they do that? Why do people not do that? What holds them back? All of this comes from hundreds of coaching conversations with business owners who have challenges with pricing. I want them to do it differently and to get past those challenges.
You will have similar things around your field. A deep desire for a different outcome for your client and a massive understanding of why they’re in that situation in the first place.
In 2014, I created a mini ecosystem of products designed to help business owners set their prices at a level where they can make a profit. Note that I didn’t know as much about productising back then as I do now, so I made the big mistake of including writing a book within this product range. But you don’t have to make the mistakes I did.
The Sweetspot Pricing Resource Pack and its product friends still sell well. Plus, I’ve used the modular product development technique to recycle that material into other products since. Products keep giving if you give them a little love and attention now and again.
Using your magic in manifesto marketing
Some of those opinions and what you want people to do differently will be what you want to share with the world. It might be a bold, overt set of statements – I often get people on Productise Your Expertise to create their manifesto as the foundation of their marketing. The manifesto is a proclamation to the world of what you stand for, how you work and how you want the world to be different.
If I’d gone all out on pricing strategies for small businesses, my manifesto might have been something like:
I believe small business owners deserve a better deal! They need to:
Quick note on why this was not my main magic
One of the mistakes I made with this mini product ecosystem in 2014 was because I included writing a book as one of my first products; the whole thing took more than three years. By the time I’d finished the damn thing, I was so bored with it I couldn’t be bothered to follow it up further.
The happy ending
Eventually, I realised that my magic was about helping people succeed through productising, especially by creating and curating multiple products that work as an ecosystem. To be honest, for me, this is much more powerful and fascinating than pricing strategies.
Under the radar magic
Some people might want to overtly share something with the world, which becomes your manifesto or key message. For others, your magic might be more under the radar. You might find yourself thinking…
“I want to share this with the world, but I need to get it out quietly because they might not be ready to accept it yet or don’t need to know all this stuff. They need to know that it works.”
If only people knew…
When you think, “Oh, if only people knew that…” This forms part of your magic.
When I see an expert working on something, a spreadsheet, somebody fixing a car, or creating a sculpture, I look at that, and I think, “Oh, I can sort of see what they’re doing there.” But I can’t do those things. I spend a lot of time encouraging people to bring out this tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge and skills are the ones that are held in someone’s head.
The only people who know that you need to have the clay a certain consistency called “leather-hard”, and then you can peel it with the loop tool… are the experienced pottery makers. In this case, the tacit knowledge is held in their head and their hands; they know exactly what “leather-hard” means.
The job of the potter (or you) becomes to find what that tacit knowledge is. What the “if only people knew this…” is. Plus, a way to help people get that result without you spending your time with them. This doesn’t just mean an online pottery course; I suspect there are already many of those. There are a million other ways you can monetise your magic as products.
Read A Millon Digital Product Ideas
Myth busting
I bet that in your field, there are a whole bunch of myths and perceived wisdom. Some of them are ones you disagree with. Myths that you want to bust – you want people to stop thinking this way. It’s not true. These myths used to be true in 1952, but they’re not valid anymore. Or we’ve now discovered that that isn’t true or doesn’t work in these circumstances. Whatever it is, you will have certain perceived wisdom in your field that you want to say to people: No, no, no, because of this, because of this, because of this.
Finding these areas where you take a contrary (or even contrarian) view to the mainstream helps us identify your magic. This then helps us to monetise your magic by turning it into products that will serve your clients without you having to be alongside them, holding their hand or doing the work for them. Unless you want to.
How to use this magic to make money
Lovely – now you’re starting to get an idea of the magic behind your work. Take a little moment to feel a proud glow from the magic you’ve created over the years – not everyone can do that.
Let’s think about how you can monetise your magic.
I call it magic because it has the capacity to transform. Not, perhaps, frogs into princes, but you can transform a client’s messy situation into what they need.
Here are some examples of using different areas of magic and different lenses on productising.
Alan – ClickUp Geek
Alan is an expert in setting up the ClickUp task management for clients. He loves ClickUp and is a master of workflows and automations. Alan used to work on freelance projects, juggling two or three clients at a time, setting up ClickUp for them and making it work for their unique workflows. But, although this was making him good money, he was getting a bit bored – a lot of the jobs he was working on were too basic for him, and he was repeating himself. Alan’s first thought was to make online courses so that his clients could do the setups for themselves. But. There are a lot of courses for ClickUp already, especially at the basic level. And Alan’s clients don’t want to learn how to set up ClickUp – they just want it done and to get on with being more productive.
Alan ended up dedicating three days a week for three months to making reusable templates and fancy ClickUp setups as products. I think you can guess how happy he was, tinkering with workflow logic and colour-coding statuses. Having these building bricks (modular development again) meant that Alan could do a set-up for someone in one day when it would have taken him five days before. And he could charge the same price.
The next step for Alan is to think about whether he wants to go down the Charlie’s Angels route with this and train someone else to do all of the work. But at the moment, he’s enjoying happy clients, client stacking, increased profits and Fridays off.
Tanya – data queen
Tanya worked for a massive multinational as a business analyst for years. She developed her magic in data analysis, which I still don’t understand. Let’s just say she can do some pretty clever stuff with numbers.
Tanya took early redundancy from the multinational, knowing she could finally set up on her own. She was a little unusual as she went the productising route straight away and came to me with a list of twenty products she could make. After six months of hard work in Productise Your Expertise, Tanya came out with most of her product ecosystem complete. Not all twenty of them, though.
Tanya used her data skills to give small-scale manufacturing companies a way to manage inventory tracking and workflow management, similar to what the giant megacorps use, but at a small business price. She charged annually, creating recurring revenue for her new business. She hasn’t stopped since.
Read more productising success stories
How are you going to monetise your magic?
The ways of magic are diverse and manifold, as the wizards might tell us. Or, in plain speak, there are many ways to make all kinds of money from your magic. If you’ve been inspired by some of the ideas here and you’re starting to give yourself credit for the magic you’ve developed yourself, the next step is to come along to one of the free productising workshops I run every month.