A lovely example of a productised service
Luna 9 use a productised services approach to their work, making their design services easy to buy, beautiful and attractive to potential customers. This video takes you through how they’ve done this and why it works.

Update on Luna 9
Since I wrote this article, Luna 9 has changed their focus and their website and is now working for sustainability companies. The productised service elements are less obvious in their new website. So you’ll see something very different if you Google them. I’ve kept the article here, as the learning points about productised services are still very useful for all of us.
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Video transcript
I’m going to take you through Luna 9 as an example of a well-done productised service.
Luna 9 is a design company. That’s all that they are. But the way they sell their design as a productised service makes them stand out against all the other design companies.
They’ve got four packages.
They’ve got The Essential. The customer problem statement is here.
“Want to be able to share your value and impact in 60 seconds, we’ll create something visible to share that pops.”
And they’re very clear and upfront about exactly what it is. They tell you how much it’ll cost when you need to pay the money, how long it will take. And then they give you some examples of what they could do.
When you start to think about it, they’re talking about an infographic for £3,000. They’re charging a good price because they have this productised service
Then they’ve got The Explainer. Each productised service has a clear name to it. This is a bit more expensive
And then we go down the page, The Explorer, a bit more pricey here, 10,000 pounds to 17,000 pounds.
A problem statement
“Bogged down by pages of complex copy or uninspiring PowerPoint decks, how to get your information across with this.” This might be an interactive explainer or an animated film. Then we’ve got their final package, The Ecosystem; they’ve stolen my term, but I stole it from someone else, so that’s okay.
And this is just a web design package. Luna 9 is a perfect example of how you can take something that is a commodity service, web design, and productise it. You put a big idea on it, in this case, taking complex information and using design to make it simple for your potential customers and stakeholders to understand. You make four very clear, increasingly pricey and increasingly complex packages or productised services to show what you do.
And I imagine that they get lots of people who come to them and say, “Oh, I want The Explorer, please,” just in the same way as you’d buy any other product.
On a day like today, when I might buy an ice cream, I might say, “I’ll have an Explorer, please.” It makes the sales process very simple for them. It’s lovely. Let’s make some like that.
Photo credits
The featured image on this blog is of the original Luna 9, the first-ever spacecraft to land on the moon. This illustration was uploaded to Flickr on a creative commons license by Steve Jurvetson, thanks Steve.
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