Productising Workshop Replays

This page has replays of all the productising workshops I’m running.

Next workshops

I run these hour long free workshops roughly once a month on all kinds of different aspects of building a product-based business. Here’s the complete list of the next productising workshops coming up. 


Maybe you don’t want to just do this bit by bit. Maybe you don’t want to wait until the next workshop. Maybe you’re ready to fully explore what your journey to a product-based business looks like.

Maybe you should get into the full Pivot to Products course right now and learn as much as you can about this. And get going.

That’s what I would do anyway. And come to the workshops as well.

Up to you.

Weird products you’ve probably never heard of

No More Feast or Famine – June 24

Ask Me Anything – May 2024

Here’s the Zone of Genius resource I talked about during the workshop today.

Super quick products to get you started – April 2024


Find your magic – March 2024

Apologies that the very beginning of the workshop wasn’t recorded, but the substantive part is here.

Here is the “find your magic” worksheet we went through in the workshop. Plus the Zone of Genius article

Alternatives to online courses – Feb 2024

Additional resources mentioned in the workshop

The Charlies Angels approach to productised services

Formats for online courses

Best audience building tactics in 2024


Introduction to Productised Services (November 2023)


Best lead magnets to build your tribe


Products you can make in a weekend workshop


Trends in online courses 2023


Best products to make in 2023 workshop – May 2023