My central message and how to get your pricing right
By now I’m sure that you’ve started to get a grip on my central message here.
The central purpose of your business is to earn you enough money to live in the way that you want to live and to achieve the income you want from your business.
And you need to structure your business and your pricing to achieve this
I’m just going to go over that again.
You have to structure your business and your pricing according to what you want to earn.
That means thinking about what you sell, who you sell it to, how you sell it, and of course how you charge for what you sell in a way which is going to bring you the right amount of money in your pocket.
The final pricing calculator
This the final spreadsheet that you need to do. There are some other resources as well to help you apply all of this, but here is the pricing calculator
Sweetspot Pricing – Pricing Calculator
It’s divided into 3 sheets, depending on whether you sell days of your time, packages or productised consulting, and the final one is for businesses who sell products which aren’t based on your time, such as the punnets of fruit at the top of this page.
What’s next
Now you’ve worked through all of this (well done, by the way) you’ll have a better idea of what your pricing needs to be to get you to your target income. Maybe you’re now thinking “okay, I’m nearly there, just a bit of tweaking and I’ve got it nailed”. Or you’re saying “Oh my god, I’m miles off and I’ll never get anywhere near even my good income”
Or somewhere in between. But…
You know that it’s not as simple as just raising your prices. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. When you know exactly what you need to charge, whether that’s £100 per hour, £1000 per quilt or 10K per week, the simple advice would be to raise your prices to that level.
I know from all of the hundreds of people I’ve had this conversation with that you won’t do that. And that even if you want to, you might not know how to do this.
That’s what the rest of the book is for
It would be too easy for me to just say “work out what you need to charge and get on with it”
So, I’ve given you a quick tour of how to set your prices to get to your target income. Everything else in the book and the resource pack is about supporting you in how to achieve those higher prices.
What to do now
You have some choices now.
Option 1 – read the whole book
You can download the book and start from the beginning. If you’ve felt any confusion about why you’re doing this or what your figures should look like for a business like yours, this is the best option. Starting from the beginning gives you a full work through of how the price setting works.
Option 2 – just read the relevant bits
Go to the section called “my central message” – it’s about a third of the way through the book. If you’ve got a clear view of what your prices need to be and you want to know how to get there, this is where to start. While I was writing the book, I called this section “the clever bits”. It contains tons of advice about marketing and structuring what you sell to be able to charge more money for what you do. If you’re in a hurry, feel free to skip through the bits which don’t apply to you – it’s not a novel you have to read all the way through.
Option 3 – let’s talk it through.
If you’re confused or shocked at this point, and you want some support with setting the right price and getting into action to get people to buy at that new price, you can book a 2 hour session with me to talk online about your business and what to do next.
Here’s how to book some time together…