Productise Your Expertise

When you’ve built a good business based on years of experience and expertise but you’re still stuck trading your finite time for money, how do you take it to the next level?

Have you ever wished that your knowledge and expertise could be boxed up and sold as products … products that carry on selling even while you’re snugly tucked up in bed at night?

If there was a predictable, step-by-step method that took you through building a beautiful ecosystem of such products that all work together … and showed you how to get them in front of the customers who want to buy them, without you facing confusion, tech overwhelm or a crippling “how do I do this?” feeling…

… would you feel confident about investing some time and commitment to transform your business into a products-based business? 

… would you feel excited about doing a deep dive into all the expertise you’ve built up over the years? And sharing your ideas with the world?

Here's why you need to productise your expertise


productise your expertise - brain to productsWhen you’ve studied your craft, invested thousands of hours, worked with dozens… no, hundreds of clients and you know you’re pretty damn good at what you do, the limitations of selling your expertise on a one-project-at-a-time basis can drive you a little crazy with frustration.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Your business is doing well...

... but you know that, at this stage in the game, you could be doing a helluva lot better. And when you see your friends, peers and competitors doing better, you can't help being a little peeved.

You're highly skilled at what you do...

... and you’ve already invested a lot of time and effort in developing those skills. You've done your 10,000 hours of practice, put in the work and come away with skills, experience and your own unique techniques. In fact, some of what you do could be described as magic.

You're fed up with...

... hustling to land the next client and frustrated that you can only use your superpowers with a handful of people at any one time. You're also fed up when clients don't always see your true value or try to knock you down on price. Or worse, you're seeing potential clients go with someone else when you just know they won't do the job as well as you.

And you know...

... the impact your work can have for your clients. And you'd love to be able to do that for a lot more people.

The problem is that you’re stuck in the wrong business model

Somewhere along the way, you got stuck in a consultancy mindset, doing one-off projects for clients, maybe with a few repeat engagements. You get to use your expertise, and you do great work, but in effect you’re stuck with repeatedly trading your time for money. And there are only so many hours in a day.

The good news is…

… there’s a better way to do this. A different business model. And transitioning to this new business model is easier than you think – because you’ve already done 90% of the work.

There’s a different way to use all that expertise, the skills you’ve spent years honing, the unique know-how you’ve developed. You don’t have to be (just?) another service provider or consultant.

Productising your expertise and packaging it up so that you can sell your deep knowledge of your specialist area is simpler than you thought.

Are you up for changing your business model?

Are you open to moving to a new model that enables you to work with a much larger group of clients, without having to build an agency or employ people?

One that gives you the chance to do a deep dive into your specialist subject and take your thinking to a whole new level?

One that offers you a different way of working, allowing you to take a breath (and maybe a holiday) because you’re no longer just trading your time for money?

One that, above all, means you get your ideas out into the world, to make a much bigger impact than the consultancy business model would ever allow you to do?

So now…

… let’s take a look at some of the ways you can productise your expertise and change your business model.

Introducing Productise Your Expertise

Productise Your Expertise is the first programme fully engineered to propel your move to a products-based business.

Productise Your Expertise is a complete six-month programme, to get your first products out in the world – and to make sure that, when they arrive, you have people ready to buy. It’s the map and the set of instructions to get you into action. I come with you as your guide, because I’ve been down this road many times, and there’ll be a group of fellow travellers to keep you company.

We’ll be using step-by-step rapid development techniques to build your products and audience simultaneously.

It’s for you…

… if you’re a business owner who’s stuck in the old model of consultancy, projects and billable days – and wants out

… if you’ve thought about developing products but haven’t been able to get past the dreaming-up-ideas stage

… if you’ve started making products but either haven’t “shipped” or haven’t been able to get the sales you expected.

John Young

John Young recorded this quick video just as he came to the end of the six months of Productise Your Expertise.

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Who's behind Productise Your Expertise?

Julia "productising" Chanteray











I’m Julia Chanteray

I’m obsessed with finding and passing on the tools and techniques that enable a small business like yours to scale and grow. I work with people like you – people with hard-won skills and experience. And I specialise in enabling you to see how to package what you do into products. I help you find your escape from the trap of the billable hours business model. 

I’ve done this with dozens of companies

I’ve worked with a lot of business owners on productising what they do. And I’ve done it myself, moving from a day-rate consultancy to a productised service and on to developing a whole ecosystem of products. I know it works and I know how to make it work.

Practical and implementable

You’ll notice a theme in what clients say about my work. They pretty much all say “no-nonsense” or “no bullshit” and talk about the practical, tangible tools and advice I give, and the way they’ve been able to implement things immediately.

I’ve done my 10,000 hours

I’ve set up dozens of companies and supported over a thousand businesses in the last 20+ years. I live and breathe the world of small businesses and I’m always looking for what works. Not generic tools and techniques but what you need to do in your own unique situation.

Tim Healey - Shoot 4 the Moon

Tim Healey took part in the second group of people joining Productise Your Expertise.

“The ripple effect has been massive and it has benefited me massively right across the board. And, yup, my fees have gone up.

Julia is extremely approachable and friendly and also has a very dry sense of humour.

I think she’s got a good balance of knowledge, helpful information, personal reflection and a dash of humour.”

How Productise Your Expertise works

Productise Your Expertise is a six-month programme starting in March 2025. That’s when you and an intrepid group of business owners will begin your journey of developing your product ecosystems. 

Together, we’ll go through 13 fortnightly modules which cover everything you need to get started creating products and building your audience. And you’ll get tons of support from the other business owners in the group plus I’ll be on hand for questions, ideas and support.


Try Productise Your Expertise - Risk Free

Dear Julia

I’m thinking about doing your new course, but I’m a bit nervous about investing – it’s a big step for me. What happens if I join and then find it’s not right for me?

No problem. Just email me, and I’ll do a full refund straight back into your bank account.

Julia Chanteray

FAQ's for PYE

When does the programme start?

We kick off in March 2024 with our first online workshop at 4 pm UK time.

What time are the workshops?

All the workshops are at 4 pm UK time. I’ve chosen this time to make it work for people in Europe at the end of the day, and for folk in the US, it’s early morning (but not too early).

Do you have to come to the workshops?

No, it’s entirely up to you. Some people love the workshops because they want to maximise the accountability they get from the group. Others prefer to get this support through our private group. Based on the dynamics of the groups so far, I’d recommend coming to at least the first one, so you can get to know the people you’re working with a bit more.

What do you get extra with Productise Your Expertise Plus?

You get monthly hour-long sessions with me over Zoom, and we work exclusively on whatever you need at that stage. This is good if you get stuck or you have a very complicated offering that you want to get right. When people have gone with this option before, the sessions with me have either been about building confidence and, therefore momentum or have been about very specific and detailed parts of the implementation. 

How much do you get involved, Julia?

I’m in the private group most days, answering queries, giving extra tips and helping move everyone along. And you can direct message me at any time. I see it as an important part of the programme, and I learn from the group participants all the time.  

How much time per week should I spend on Productise Your Expertise?

You’ll need a couple of hours per week to go through all the videos, course materials and do the exercises. And, Productise Your Expertise is all about making and marketing your products, so you need to be able to dedicate some time each week to working on this. Most people end up spending a day a week on productising by the end of the programme.

What we will learn

Lead magnets

Build your audience

Productised services

Productise what you already do

Tech library

What to use, how to use it, what you don't need

Inspiring examples

People who have done this already

How to guides

Shortcuts for making products


Step by step guides to launching different kinds of products

Clever pricing

Bundles, tripwires and upsells

Ads and promotions

Get the word out there

Types of product

What sells, what can you make quickly

Hannah Martin - Talented Ladies Club

“Julia has been doing what she has been doing, working with entrepreneurs, and business owners for many, many years. Consistently. She knows what works; she knows what doesn’t. She’s got a really solid background in business.

I think what’s really important is to have that knowledge and a good grounding in business and years of expertise, working with diverse businesses and I think Julia absolutely has that.”


What happens when you join Productise Your Expertise?

The Productise Your Expertise six-month programme is your implementation system – it gets you going on your product adventure. By the end of the six-month programme, members are shipping their first products and achieving their first sales.

Six months from now, you will have painlessly set up your e-commerce sales infrastructure. And you’ll have the foundation of your automated marketing system in place, making sure you’re set up for future products and more sales coming in.

There will be no stopping you. 


Join us for Productise Your Expertise

It’s up to you.

You can join the group programme with all the learning, the workshops, the small group exercises. I’ll be there in the Slack group encouraging everyone, answering (and asking) lots of questions.

Or you can add monthly one-to-one sessions with me to keep you on track.

Productise Your Expertise

£1750 + VAT

Group programme, including

  • 13 fortnightly learning modules
  • 4 group online workshops
  • Tech library
  • Small group work
  • Ask me anything in Slack
Buy now - £1750 + VAT

Productise Your Expertise +

£6550 + VAT

Everything in the group programme, plus monthly one to one sessions with Julia Chanteray

Buy now - £6550 + VAT

Nick Parker

Nick Parker has had huge success with his Voicebox product. Here’s what he said about how I helped him change from billable days to a product-based business.

“She had a good understanding of the process needed to make and ship a thing.

First of all, you’re the R&D department, and then you’re the creative department, then you’re the marketing department. Having somebody who understands when you’re wearing which hat at which time, that’s just really valuable.”

Mark Vaesen

Mark Vaesen runs design agency Tomango. Here’s Mark talking about how we worked on his first productised service. Note the increase in conversion rate from 30% without the product to 80 – 90% with it, and the increased customer life time value.

We love both of those.

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Photo credits for the entrepreneurs on this page Jacob Lund from Noun Project

Photos of Julia Chanteray from Vervate

Other Productise Your Expertise images drawn by Julia Chanteray

Ruth Palmer - go for it

I caught up with Ruth about a year after she’d completed Productise Your Expertise. I asked her what she would say to anyone thinking about doing the programme this time round.

“Just go for it” was her clear response. The video shows you why you should just go for it.